Today in Aviation History: First Flight of the Lockheed CP-140 Aurora
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Today in Aviation History: First Flight of the Lockheed CP-140 Aurora

On March 22, 1979, the Lockheed CP-140 Aurora took to the skies for the very first time. A maritime patrol aircraft used by the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), the CP-140 is based on the Lockheed P-3 Orion, which serves a similar role in the United States Navy. While the airframes are similar, the key…

How to Read a METAR – Our Full Guide to Aviation Weather Reports
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How to Read a METAR – Our Full Guide to Aviation Weather Reports

When flying an airplane, you become a part of the air around you. So, you will want to know what the air and prevailing weather conditions are doing.  Forget checking your phone apps or the TV. You will want detailed and accurate weather information. The best way to do that is to read a METAR….

Today in Aviation History: First Flight of the Douglas XTB2D-1 Skypirate
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Today in Aviation History: First Flight of the Douglas XTB2D-1 Skypirate

On March 18, 1945, the Douglas XTB2D-1 Skypirate took flight for the first time. Designed as a carrier-based torpedo bomber, the Skypirate was intended to operate from the larger, planned Midway and Essex-class aircraft carriers. However, at the time of its development, the aircraft was too large for existing carrier decks. Ultimately, only two prototypes…

Safety Pilot Explained: How to Log Your Time and Stay Legal
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Safety Pilot Explained: How to Log Your Time and Stay Legal

A safety pilot has a key job: keeping the flight safe during simulated instrument training. Simple right? By handling specific tasks and staying sharp, the safety pilot supports the flying pilot and makes sure the flight meets FAA requirements.  This guide will explore what being a safety pilot involves, how to log your time correctly,…

Today in Aviation History: The Convair B-58 Hustler Enters Service
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Today in Aviation History: The Convair B-58 Hustler Enters Service

On March 15, 1960, the Convair B-58 Hustler officially entered service, marking a major milestone in Cold War aviation. Designed to meet the U.S. Air Force’s need for a supersonic strategic bomber, the Hustler was built for speed—able to get in, deliver its payload, and exit quickly. Convair’s signature delta-wing design, also seen on its…