Turbofan vs. Turbojet: What’s the Difference?

Turbofan vs. Turbojet: What’s the Difference?

Both the turbofan and turbojet are jet engines that rely on the same principles to provide thrust.  But what makes them different from each other? Is one design better than the other?  Let’s see how the turbofan is different from a turbojet and compare the advantages and disadvantages of either system. Key Takeaways Turbojet engines…

Pilot Safety Simplified: Proficiency vs. Currency Explained

Pilot Safety Simplified: Proficiency vs. Currency Explained

You might assume that staying legal means staying safe. In reality, though, that’s not always the case. You shouldn’t get complacent just because you’re legal. Ask yourself: Are your skills sharp enough to handle any situation? Currency confirms that you’re legally allowed to fly, but proficiency keeps you safe and ready to fly confidently. In…